French version of a newspaper centre spread co-produced by the Coral Communities team - illustrated by Tooshir Beestobchurn from Roches Noires Eco-Marine, Mauritius together with Dawn Ashby from Plymouth Marine Laboratory.
Why a digital journal
Ecogeographer’s digital journal helps to develop ideas and think about themes. It also talks about current projects. This image shows an info graphic that many of us developed but a young person led. It was part of the project Coral Communities. It talks about the importance of plants and place. A recurring theme that is emerging in Ecogeographer’s co-creations.
In June of this year Ecogeographer’s going to Mauritius with Caroline Hattam of Plymouth Marine Laboratory to re-meet Reef Conservation and two communities it worked with two years ago. We will discuss the co-created work we have made together and we will learn what was and wasn’t successful when we worked together. We are then going to meet new people to discuss a new project.