Category: Plant and Place

Art club on the dunes
Artist Hilary Jean Gibson and myself have set up Friends of the Towans Art Club (FOTT ART CLUB) with the support of Towans Ranger Martin Rule and the charity Friends of the Towans. With Martin’s guidance we were able to apply for funding from Dynamic Dunescapes.

An introduction to botanical art for families
Pick, Pop, Peek, Pin & Paint Plants with CAST-OFF – An introduction to botanical art for families with CAST, August was a joy. On several occasions families joined me in […]

What an Atlas, a New Flora
“this Flora of Cornwall is the most comprehensive so far. A 550-page, full colour, hardback book (slightly larger than A4), it is based on a survey of every kilometre square since 1999 […]

Why a digital journal
Ecogeographer’s digital journal helps to develop ideas and think about themes. It also talks about current projects. This image shows an info graphic that many of us developed but a […]
Summer. Autumn. Embodiment.
Yesterday Dominica Williamson of Ecogeographer photographed Autumn. Today she is reflecting on Summer. It’s been bitter sweet. Aug 1st was held without her dad. He died hours before Valentine’s Day […]
A Patch of Portugal
Thinking back The trip of 2012. It was a flight. There was some surf. I photographed instead of sketching.

Colchicum Autumnale
This time last year I was working on the below illustration for a cancer theme and in memory of my granny Whisker. Colchicum autumnale finished section by Dominica Williamson This […]

Catmint’s glandular hairs
A peltate glandular trichome A forest of glandular and non-glandular hairs (trichomes) cover the catmint leaves that I am painting. I am painting the glandular hairs in detail for the […]
White, Goose, Storm (observing)
Pete Postlethwaite is sending an arrow through my heart. Romeo and Juliet, The Age of Stupid and Brassed off, in that order, keep running round my head. Not the New […]
Yellow, Sun, Winter (painting)
It’s winter. I am currently painting in a land that is winter yellow; Cornwall. It is surrounded by harsh explosive yellow gorse, then shades of yellow daffodils, prissy pale primroses, […]

European Gorse – coconut heaven
European Gorse submitted and accepted by the Eden Project Florilegium, 2009
In my herb garden this year: Part two
Carry on imagining the ellipse walked in part one, you got half way round, the chamomile bench was your rest point… you landed on the south side of the curve… […]