Exhibition Production
– Community dialogue displays
– Geographical visualizations
– Fine art and design installations
Whether the work I am making is co-created with a specific community, self-initiated, or a product of my own personal research, I have become increasingly interested in exhibiting it to the public. For indoor displays I use fine-art formats and will harness the ‘art gallery/white space look’ if appropriate, but in a pop-up way.
When I work with rural communities with no indoor display facilities, I love to transform a tree into a temporary ‘exhibition space’ to show the photographs or artwork participants have created. I have also worked with makers and designers to create wooden hanging devices, using the form of the wood to echo the content of the work, with the long-term aim of making the work transportable. For me, it is important that co-created, participatory artwork is shown to other, similar communities to highlight its relevance, but in a fun way that engages their interest.