What an Atlas, a New Flora
“this Flora of Cornwall is the most comprehensive so far. A 550-page, full colour, hardback book (slightly larger than A4), it is based on a survey of every kilometre square since 1999 and covers 3050 taxa and includes over 1200 distribution maps and more than 1500 photographs. It is based on 2.25 million flowering plant and fern computerised records. Sections include the effects of climate, geology, soils, topography, mining, quarrying and agriculture. There is also information on vegetation history, key habitats, botanical regions, recording history, losses and gains, and rare and/or threatened plants. It also includes a chapter dealing with drift seeds (disseminules) written by Paul Gainey, and the extensive bramble section is written by Keith Spurgin.”
Buy here: https://www.summerfieldbooks.com/product/a-flora-of-cornwall
This is the best lockdown present.
You can travel Cornwall in huge detail.
The full page spread illustration on the frontispiece is by ecogeographer and detailed in publications.