Drinking from the world – cup exhibition
Over a year ago I presented ‘my disposable cup collection’ to a community in Northern Denmark at Vendsyssel Museum of Art. I did it by way of slides and set the collection within the rest of my practice. Today marks a turning point for the collection, an exhibition of my cups in real-time space opens at the Herron School of Art and Design in Indiana, in the Basile Gallery.
I shipped the cups, about 600, to the school last week and have frantically been working to get them online at the same time, whilst Matt Groshek, Public Scholar at the school (Exhibition Planning and Design) has been frantically installing them in the actual space. We’ve got lots of stuff to share about the exhibition, but for the moment, here’s one of the cups in the show – I call it The Tulip Cup.

Date found: 2003-2004
Location: New York
Found by: Dominica Williamson
Contents: None
Tag line: None
Manufacturer: USA, L.K. rest illegible
Material: Wax coated paper
Height: 7.5cms
Personal code: _MG_1083
Main colour: Purple